Who is He, this King of Glory?

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In our readings this week, we are reminded that God is not a distant entity separated from humanity. On the contrary, we worship a God who has entered human history and continues to journey with us each and every day.  We … Continued

Jesus’ Mission

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After reading from the sacred text, Jesus declares, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” On that unforgettable Sabbath morning in Nazareth, Jesus does the unexpected and unimaginable. In his speech, he adopts those ancient prophetic words as … Continued

No Ordinary Time…Water into Wine

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At the wedding in Cana, the interaction between Jesus and his mother offers a glimpse into their intimate relationship. When Mary informs Jesus that the wine has run out, he responds by suggesting that someone else should handle the situation. … Continued

Jesus is Baptized

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Baptism is a powerful declaration of God’s unwavering love and commitment to us, a moment where we are named and claimed as beloved children.  It’s a celebration of our relationship with God and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit … Continued

Follow the Star

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The Feast of Epiphany is a profound moment in the Christian calendar. The story of the magi visiting Jesus symbolizes the universal significance of Jesus’ birth, highlighting that the message of Christ is for all people, regardless of their background … Continued

Sing Out In Joy!

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In Mary’s song of joy about the coming birth of her son she sings about what God has already done: the proud humbled, the powerful pulled down from their thrones, She can sing this way about the future birth of … Continued

What Shall We Do? Live In Love!

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John’s message underscores the profound simplicity and power of living a godly life through honesty, kindness, and hard work. These foundational values, often taught from a young age, reflect the essence of love and respect for both others and ourselves. … Continued