As You Go Into The World…

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The two instructions that Jesus gives to the disciples as they are sent out into the world are relatively clear. First, they are told to stay in one place and not to move around to different houses in the village. They were to stay in one place and live more humbly.

The second instruction is for the benefit of the disciples’ morale. It is a teaching about how to deal with rejection. When they are rejected, they are not to go off and nurse their wounds or talk with each other about how hard this is or how terrible these people are. Rather, they are to shake off the dust on their feet as a testimony against these people. Jesus gives them a positive, strong thing to do in response to rejection. What this does is to prevent the disciples from being defeated or discouraged.

How do we keep our faith strong when others reject our message?  Join us on Sunday as we move with the Gospel message of protecting and strengthening our faith as we live in the world. We begin worship at 10 am.  All are welcome either in-person or on-line.   The bulletin can be found on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. We look forward to seeing you!