Rest…An Opportunity


Jesus has compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd. In other words, lost, lacking guidance. But more so, in need of care, of protection, of pasture, of tending, of nurture.  But for... READ MORE


John the Baptist’s call to repentance is passionate and powerful.  Jesus, the Son of God, came to bring God’s promise of forgiveness and deliverance from evil and death, a reign of peace with... READ MORE

As You Go Into The World…


The two instructions that Jesus gives to the disciples as they are sent out into the world are relatively clear. First, they are told to stay in one place and not to move... READ MORE

Peace During The Storm


If the disciples were worried about the storm and its power now, they have a man standing before them who has even greater power an authority. “Who is this man?”    Of course,... READ MORE

Learning from the Parables


How do we perceive the Kingdom of God?  God’s kingdom comes apart from our efforts, cannot be controlled or influenced, and can only be received as a gift. In this sense, faith is... READ MORE