Presenting the Baby

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Our passage from Luke’s Gospel begins and ends with the Law regarding the birth of our Savior. v. 22 “When the time came for their ritual cleansing, in accordance with the Law from Moses, they brought Jesus up to Jerusalem … Continued

Join us for Christmas

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St. Bartholomew’s will have worship services on Christmas Eve at 4pm and Christmas Day at 10am.  Both services will be in-person and on Facebook and YouTube.  The bulletins will be posted on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. Merry … Continued


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Mary’s song of joy happens because she sees the birth of her son as the beginning of the fulfillment of the hope that people like her had been singing about for generations.   She saw in the birth of her son … Continued

Will You Walk With Me?

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Join me on our podcast titled, Will You Walk With Me? where we will explore ways strengthen our faith through caring for our mental and physical health.  We will do this in community learning from those who join our episodes … Continued


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There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to … Continued


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Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.   These words from Isaiah chapter 40 help us to focus our attention on the peace that is ours to receive. Isaiah reminds the listener that despite all the burdens we face, God … Continued


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Advent is a time of preparation and expectation for the coming of Christ, the time before celebrating the “joy to the world” that God’s incarnation becomes. In advance of a celebratory Christmas season that follows Advent, it is good for … Continued

Where can we see the King?

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Where can we find Jesus?  King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We find Jesus engaging in deep conversation with a Samaritan woman who had five husbands and was living with another man. We find Jesus putting a towel around … Continued

Encourage One Another

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We are called to many worthwhile opportunities in our lives of faith so we can live out God’s love for us and for our neighbor. However, it is not often that we offer a call for encouragement and building each … Continued