Do You Want To See Jesus?

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Our Gospel lesson for today suggests that God has changed everything. Through Jesus, through his birth, his life, his teaching, and through his dying and rising to new life, God has changed everything. Jesus says it this way, “I, when … Continued

God Loves You!

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The truth is that God has loved us, does love us and will love us with the same intensity that sent Jesus to the cross. It is not that we are so lovable, but that God is love. Loving is … Continued

By Whose Authority?

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The temple leaders ask the obvious question to Jesus, “By what authority do you do this? Who do you think you are?” Jesus’ answer sheds light on this lesson and something that we need to hear. The authorities essentially ask … Continued

Come Follow Me

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Each time we make ourselves vulnerable to the needs of those around us, each time we give ourselves in love to another, each time we get out of our own way and not look for what we want but what … Continued

Called to be with Jesus

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One of the challenges of the spiritual life is for us to open our hearts to that presence that is surrounding us with love and life. That’s not an easy thing to do! It’s hard enough to open your heart … Continued

This is what Jesus came to do

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After having many people come to Jesus to be healed, he needed to rest. Mark’s narrative wastes no time getting to the heart of the action. Before the first chapter is up, Jesus has taught with authority, exorcized an unclean … Continued

True Authority

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We live in an age that questions most forms of authority. Many are skeptical. Survival mode has taken hold. We wonder what the future holds. We want to build walls and draw lines to separate and divide, to protect ourselves. But … Continued

Let’s Go Fishing!

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We Christians are called to go fishing. Fishing for people.  We are called to be disciples who say to others, “Come and see Jesus.” We cannot be an effective in sharing the good news unless we have actually been caught … Continued

Come and See!

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Across the pages of John’s Gospel there are women and men, Jews, and Gentiles, rich and poor, powerful, and vulnerable, people of all shapes and sizes and varieties that Jesus meets. And to each one, in one way or another, … Continued