Be Alert, Be Ready, Wait in Hope!

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Luke says that Christians should be alert, ready for the coming of the Lord. They should therefore not be caught up in either the excessive pleasures or worries of the day but rather remain watchful. At the same time, Christians should be confident, eager for the events Jesus describes as they signal the approach of the deliverance of the Christian community.

Jesus is promising his disciples that there will come a time of great tribulation, trial and testing.  Luke writes “Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory. Such a sign of Son of Man coming is a sign of hope for communities who are in deep distress and suffering.

Advent, therefore, as a ‘time of waiting’ is an affirmation of the ‘nearness of God’ for our time.   Advent unsettles our notions of a God high above the clouds and seeks to transform it to the as ‘Son of Man coming in a cloud,’ coming near to the creation and its creatures.

Join us on Sunday as we continue on the journey.

We begin worship at 10 am.  All are welcome either in-person or on-line.   The bulletin can be found on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. We look forward to seeing you!