Our Stewardship, Our Message

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Psalm 78 includes a number of stories about God providing for His people.  In verse 4 we read, “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”

The intended audience for these stories of faith are our children. The call of God for His faithful people is to pass on the teachings that we receive from Him to future generations. We are to pass on the glorious deeds and powerful works of God to our children. These stories of God’s action are not only from Scripture; these stories are also from our lives.

Stewardship is caring for what God has given us so we can pass it along to future generations with our story of our experience of the Glory of God.  Let us share the message of God’s love and wonderful gifts.

Join us on Sunday as we reflect on the seeds planted by the faithful as we receive the Holy Spirit into our lives and ministry. We begin worship at 10 am.  All are welcome either in-person or on-line and the bulletin can be found on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. We look forward to seeing you!