Nourish our Faith

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Life is a series of choices. We make our decisions, and our decisions turn around and make us. For the most part, we are who we are today because of decisions and choices we made years ago. Most of the time we don’t realize how important small choices can be. Our choices can strengthen our faith or weaken it.

We will be reflecting on the book of Daniel this Sunday where we will see that God’s faithfulness towards his people is what gives us hope. As we move forward in our stewardship study, we will reflect on the important part that faith plays in our decisions about how we will respond to God’s call to us to be good stewards of the gifts we have received.  Daniel’s story is a powerful lesson in using our faith as we make choices in our journey.

Join us on Sunday as we reflect on the seeds of the cultivation and care of God’s Garden as we receive the Holy Spirit into our lives and ministry. We begin worship at 10 am.  All are welcome either in-person or on-line and the bulletin can be found on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. We look forward to seeing you!