Grounded in God’s Word and Love

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We begin our 2023 Stewardship Study this Sunday by looking at how our summer seeds are doing in the soil of God’s Holy Word and God’s Precious Love.

We are united to Christ by faith, joined together upon “the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Eph 2:20). God has chosen to bring the presence of glory to this world by redeeming his church, uniting his church to Christ, and thereby creating a united people joined together as a holy temple, “a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”  The seeds are growing!!!

Join us on Sunday as we reflect on the seeds of forgiveness and continue to receive the Holy Spirit into our lives and ministry. We begin worship at 10 am.  All are welcome either in-person or on-line and the bulletin can be found on this website in the virtual bulletin tab. We look forward to seeing you!