Together, Our Light is Brighter!

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Be light. Be who you already have been called to be and are capable, by the power of God, of being in and for the world.

Salt and Light are great and holy attributes and promises of discipleship. But Jesus does not stop there. With this blessing comes responsibility.   It’s one thing to know and to claim your identity.  It’s another thing to offer yourself to God saying, Here I am Lord, to be all in for the ministry God has called us to and to intentionally and live it.

To be light is to participate in the identity of Christ. It is good stewardship of the life that we have been given as a gift from God.

Join us as we continue our stewardship study and responding to the call to shine our light brightly to the Glory of God.

Join us in worship beginning at 10am in-person or on-line at Facebook Live or YouTube.  The bulletin for our worship is found on the virtual bulletin tab.  May God Bless You!!