God’s Work Our Hands

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Our Stewardship Study continues…

The proper use of Scripture and tradition leads us to “every good work.” It leads us to a life that is lived in remembrance of Jesus Christ, a life that embodies this remembrance.   As Christians, we are called to be there with those in pain; to be in touch with the struggles, poverty and all things that make people cry out in our world.

We are called to build sustaining communities where people can be supported in their crying out and not lose heart, communities where we live in hope and the faith that our prayers will be answered by God.  When we work together our hope and faith are strengthened and through our prayers, we invite God into our spirit; He then begins his work and our transformation.

Join us in worship beginning at 10am in-person or on-line at Facebook Live or YouTube.  The bulletin for our worship is found on the virtual bulletin tab.  May God Bless You!!