Welcome to our Pollinator Garden

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Exciting News! 

Our brand new pollinator garden is planted and ready for visitors.

The planting of the garden was led by Mariko Kamidoi as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project, Planting for Pollinators. The project aims to involve the community in preserving pollinators whose numbers are declining worldwide.
Mari welcomes everyone to visit the garden.  “I love being able to share this garden with my community and foster care for the environment. See goldenrod, coneflowers, and milkweed plants in bloom with different pollinators buzzing and flying around.-Mariko



If you are in the area, stop by and take a look. It is next to the rectory, on the left side when looking at the front.  If you would like a virtual tour please go to the garden web-site https://preservepollinators.com/